Monday, October 19, 2009

Biden Comic Review

This is the first time - not likely the last - that I'll be able to say I just read a comic book about one of our Vice Presidents. It'll be at least three years before I can say that it's about a sitting VP. The fact that I can say it, though, says some good things about growing public awareness of the office. As Vice-Precedence, whether book, movie or blog form proves - its about damn time.

The book is unexpected, in many ways. I haven't yet read Joe's autobiography, if only because I tend to reserve political pre-campaign bios of any sort for light afternoon reading. The comic book, it seems, is considerably based off of Joe's book "Promises to Keep," and, sadly, makes me want to read the Veep's book now. The tone of the whole thing is like that of an action comic. To be more accurate, though, its the drama in Joe's life that gets the beams-of-light and low-key noir shadows treatment. From the death of his wife to his political struggles, the book gives you a strong look at Biden up to the Vice Presidency. Sure, it kind of skips the 20 years between his marriage to Jill Biden and his election to his current office, but it's compelling nonetheless.

The comic has its weak points, though - the sketches often seem a little too rough and a few of the typos make it obvious Bluewater Productions (the comic's producer) needed to rush the book out to its (hopefully) growing audience. We could use some of those twenty years, even if they aren't dripping with drama - a few points along the way showing the good Joe has done politically. It's still worth a look, though, and there's something to be said for the risk Bluewater was willing to take by making the comic in the first place. Pick it up, if you can find it in your shop. Though stores ordered almost 2,000 of the Biden comic books (a little short of the First Lady's record of 65,000+ units sold), you'll be more likely to find a copy of Bluewater's other recent book in your local comic shop - the issue that sold almost 4,000 units - the Obama comic book.

That is, the book about the life of Bo Obama, the First Dog.

- Jason C. Klamm

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